Fundamental Principles
Voluntary Service NAAU is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain. |
Impartiality It makes no discrimination as to tribe, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress. |
Neutrality In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, NAAU may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature. |
NAAU, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found in Uganda, its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples. |
Partner Focus We continuously create long term value for our partners by responding to their needs and requirements as well as creating innovative sustenance and development programs that add value to our partners, the youth and their communities. Because our success is dependent on the success of our partners, we always measure our work against how much value we add to them. |
Dedication We earn and maintain our development partners’ and beneficiaries’ respect and trust through our dedication to deliver on our promises. Our dedication is deeply rooted in all our workforce’s efforts that are aimed at creating value for the Youths and facilitating the fruition of our partners’ objectives while at the same time improving our capabilities. |
Professionalism We encourage all our staff to follow professional ethics in all their work. Our internal processes are designed to exceed our partners’ needs and expectations while exhibiting a high level of professionalism in our innovation of Youth sustenance and development programs and through our service delivery chains. |
Integrity With the quality of having a sense of honesty and truthfulness in regards to all our actions, we ensure that the organization’s integrity is maintained. Our inherent adherence to delivering on our promises and keeping our word is a valuable asset in winning our beneficiaries’ and partners’ respect and trust. |
Teamwork We encourage our staff to contribute with their different skills and express their individual opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group in order to achieve our goals. |